It’s the Dip, Time to buy more Bitcoin? Or is Bitcoin Dead?

Bitcoin Prices dropped again this week.  There are lots of reasons for this, as I will outline, and some things you can do.

The war on Bitcoin is moving forward.  

Bitcoin continues to be volatile, and is traded 24/7 on international markets.

The pundits and writers are looking deeply into the situation, pointing to what makes bitcoin a volatile commodity.

Some are decrying the death of Bitcoin!

Bitcoin is Dead (Again!) – Buy Bitcoin Worldwide
“Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated” – Apologies to Mark Twain

But Bitcoin is NOT dead.  It is still used for purchases, transferring money between people (and across borders), and enabling commerce where the fiat currency is hyperinflated or devalued.  The Electronic ledger called the blockchain is being researched as a model for financial institutions to reconcile their monetary transfers, saving millions in fees. Look into What Is Bitcoin and What Can I Do With It? – by Lifehacker.

Books are appearing en masse to guide us on out Bitcoin journey, like Bitcoin: Mastering Bitcoin For Beginners: How You Can Make Insane Money Investing and Trading in Bitcoin (Bitcoin Mining, Bitcoin trading, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, Wallet & Business)

So, what are we to do? 

Sit Tight – Sell it all (or part) – Buy more?

Sit Tight

Do nothing.  Take the long view, squash your emotion and fear, Stand back and watch, as the price fluctuates. This is what The Hodler’s do, keeping out of the day-trading madness, and keeping their Bitcoin long term.  Thee is an argument that points to Bitcoin prices going very high, possibly even $100k or more per BTC.  Keep in mind, there is a limited supply (21 million) Bitcoins that can be mined, and that is it.  This is the Long-Term view.  Bitcoin has been around nine years, and it most likely has many more to go, lets “Let it Ride”.  (Note: I may buy and sell, but I am keeping some Bitcoin, as I have a long view of Bitcoin).


Sell it all, and be happy you got out before it “Really Tanked” (Unless it goes up, in which case you cry in your beer).  If this makes sense to you, consider selling your Bitcoin in parts, at levels you set.  This preserves your profit, and puts you in a cash position to buy more Bitcoin at what you think the bottom might be.

Buy More?

When the price drops, Bitcoin is cheap compared to buying at the top price. The risk is that you may be buying it all the way down to the “bottom” (which is an unknown price level that defies prediction, even with those claiming clairvoyant power).  FYI – Good luck predicting the next “Top” too.  Lots of people did not sell when Bitcoin hit $19,000 per BTC.

There you have it, based on my perception, these are the options we are presented with when Bitcoin prices take a nosedive.

Let’s be clear about something: there is no such thing as a meaningful Bitcoin price prediction. It just isn’t possible with the current structure. – Jeremy Arnold, Internal consultant. Past analyst/co-founder, on Quora (article presented on Forbes Website)

Best of luck to you, and may your portfolio go TO THE MOON!
Disclaimer: This answer is offered as opinion and is not a recommendation on investing. Please consult knowledgeable advisors and professionals you trust when seeking investment advice. I currently own BTCS stock.
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